You've just somehow stumbled upon the best website EVER. Once you leave this site, you will never be the same!! Well, maybe never is too strong a word. You might eventually be the same, but not until long after you've left this site. So count on being different for a good while. Sorry. There is no porn on this site. And if there was, it wouldn't be very good. But by the time I'm done, you'll feel so close to me, it will seem like porn.
Some of you may have been to my last web site, which was, of course, grade A USDA choice awesome, and also started a web site revolution among my boys. This site will have everything that site had and more. Improvements will be made where I think neccessary, but rest assured your getting the very best of Chawk. I think you're gonna like it. Just hear what these famous people have to say: 
"Two thumbs up! Way up! I mean, I'm gonna move to Colorado just to get my thumbs high enough. I wish I could give this website more thumbs up, I mean, I just don't have enough thumbs to indicate how truly great this website is. This site makes you wanna go grave robbing, looking for more thumbs, just to put them up in praise of this website." -- Siskel and Ebert 
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman. But I did have a damn good time at this website, and that's no lie!" --Bill Clinton

"This website is the proverbial bomb. Mein freund, enjoy this website! BAMF!!" --Nightcrawler

"wow,this is such a neat website." --Katie